Brett Robinson Starts a Fire in the Big Brother House While Cooking Bacon

Publish date: 2020-09-13

Brett Robinson isn’t just starting figurative fires in the Big Brother house. While in the kitchen with fellow houseguest Kaycee Clark, Robinson alerted production that a fire had broken out in the oven — and the incident was captured on the show’s live feeds.

“We have a fire!” he yelled.

“Are you serious?” houseguest Sam Bledsoe screamed from the other room, to which Robinson replied, “I am dead serious.”

According to fans watching the incident on the live feeds, Robinson was cooking a bacon and maple syrup concoction in the oven before the fire started.

“I guess Brett’s maple & chocolate bacon didn’t come out to good considering he started a fire in the oven, lol,” one person wrote. “Hence the feeds. #BB20.”

Another viewer tweeted, “Now we know bacon, sugar and maple syrup may cause oven fires thank you Brett. #bb20.”

“I don’t think any other cast in the history of big brother has caused this much destruction,” a third user posted. “they have managed to break the studio door, break the hoh sink, and now they’ve started a fire in the kitchen #BB20.”

A fourth person joked, “Well Brett wont be giving any cooking classes anytime soon. #BB20 #Fire.”

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After briefly showing smoke fIll the kitchen and the fire break out in the oven, the Big Brother feeds cut out. They returned less than a hour later and the houseguests — and the kitchen — appeared to be fine.

Big Brother airs on CBS Sundays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. and Thursdays at 9 p.m. ET.
