Heres How Ed Westwicks Gay Rumors Started

Publish date: 2022-10-15

Gossip Girl is a teen drama TV series that aired on The CW from September 2007 to December 2012. Josh Schwartz and Stephanie Savage adapted Cecily von Ziegesar's novel series of the same name. 

The series was critically acclaimed, and to this day, it has a massive fan base. The plot is highly entertaining, with talented casts like Blake Lively, Leighton Meester, Chace Crawford, Penn Badgley, Taylor Momsen, and Matthew Settle, adding the oomph factor to the series. 

One such prominent cast member is Ed Westwick. He is a British actor who got his big break playing the role of Chuck Bass, a young billionaire whose prime interest is alcohol and women.

After Gossip Girl, he starred in many other projects like Romeo & Juliet, Wicked City, Billionaire Ransom, White Gold and Me, You, Madness. However, his role as Bass is still imprinted on people's minds when they talk about Westwick. 

Is Ed Westwick Gay?

No, Westwick is not gay, but people assume he is for two main reasons: he kissed a boy in Gossip Girl and lived with his co-star Crawford. 

In the novel series Gossip Girl, Bass is a flamboyant bisexual guy who has affairs with men and women. But in the TV series, Bass is presumed as a straight man except for one instance on season 3, episode 6. 

Blair Waldorf, Bass' on-again, off-again girlfriend, tries to dupe Josh Ellis into handing her the parents' day Freshman toast at NYU. Bass was supposed to tease Ellis, and Waldorf was supposed to find them together and coerce Ellis into delivering her the toast.

On the other hand, Ellis and Waldorf devised their own scheme, agreeing that she would get the Freshmen toast in exchange for a kiss with Bass. The boys end up sharing a passionate kiss, oblivious to Waldorf's plans. 

While this was the only gay encounter in the show, many people presumed Westwick to be gay. Similarly, his living together with Crawford added fuel to the fire. 

Westwick and Crawford shared an apartment in Manhattan from 2007 to 2009. They moved in together after both of them were cast for Gossip Girl in 2007. 

In 2009, Crawford moved out of the shared apartment into and into a rented penthouse in NYC's Financial District. The US Weekly said the two parted ways because Westwick was messy, and Crawford couldn't take it anymore. 

Ed Westwick Denied Gay Rumors

The actor has denied rumors about him being gay many times. He said that he considers Crawford his brother, and nothing is going on between them. 

Similarly, he pointed out that he loves his co-star dearly, but both are straight and into women. Westwick further emphasized that he has kissed a girl in public, so he does not understand what to do to prove he is straight.

Moreover, Westwick is currently in a relationship with a South African Model and Luxury Travel advisor, Tamara Francesconi. It is unknown when the pair started dating, but reportedly they have been together since October 2019. 

The lovebirds often document their vacations on their Instagram. They have been to a Greek Island, Amalfi Coast, and South Africa together. 

By the looks of their Instagram posts, the pair are deeply in love and enjoy spending time with each other. 
