'Neds Declassified' Star Lindsey Shaw Quits Social Media Over TikT

Publish date: 2021-06-08
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"Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide" star Lindsey Shaw is getting dragged for seemingly mocking Black creators on TikTok ... so she's tearfully quitting social media altogether.

Lindsey was in full breakdown mode -- tears streaming down her face -- as she said the flood of hateful comments in her inbox, reacting to a recent TikTok, was too much to handle.

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The outrage is over her clip, where she questions -- if not outright mocks -- a new dance trend on the app, and she says a lot of folks are taking issue with the fact she's making fun of Black dancers.

In her TikTok, Lindsey asks ... "Hey, are we okay, what the f*** is this?!?" ... then mimicks the dance.


Lindsey says her critique wasn't about race ... it was simply her playing into the Millennial versus Gen Z trends. Still, she apologizes for offending people, and says she wasn't intending to belittle anyone.

It sure looks like the backlash is getting to her, and she says those aren't crocodile tears.
